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Northern lights and solar storms

Northern lights and solar storms

Author: MozaicNook

Solar storms are important for the formation of aurora borealis also called the Northern Lights, one of the most amazing natural phenomena. This beautiful radiation event appears when solar wind particles accelerated by solar storms interact with Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere.

This is how it operates:

Interaction with magnetic field

As the solar particles (mostly protons and electrons) arrive at the Earth, they follow its magnetic field lines towards the poles where there is less magnetism and hence can penetrate through to the atmosphere.

Collisions with atmospheric particles

In polar regions, solar ions collide with oxygen or nitrogen molecules that form part of earth’s atmospheric gasses. These collisions result in an excited state for gas molecules meaning that some electrons in these molecules may briefly change to higher energy levels.

Emitting light

After a short while, excited electrons in atmospheric molecules revert back to their original energy level observing light emission. Depending on different types of gases and altitude at which collision took place; this light can be green, red, blue or violet. In particular, oxygen emits mainly green-red lights while nitrogen gives off bluish-violet lights./n

Visual presentation

It is because of these interactions that there is a magnificent lighting display referred to as Aurora Borealis that happens in night skies. It mostly happens around polar regions due to their proximity to magnetic poles but at times during intense solar storms; it can still be observed even lower latitudes.

Thus, a solar storm not only initiates auroras but also influences their intensity as well as region within which they appear. By observing solar storms it is possible to predict when and where exactly auroras will become visible.

Solar storms are intense space weather occurrences resulting from complex interplay between Sun’s surface as well as surrounding plasma environment (magnetic fields). They manifest themselves in different forms like flares ejections known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and fast solar wind.

The following reveals how each of these phenomena contributes to a solar storm:

Solar flares

Solar flares are sudden, intense explosions on the surface of the Sun that emit large amounts of electromagnetic radiation including light, radio waves and x-rays. This occurs when the magnetic energy stored in the sun’s atmosphere is suddenly released. Sometimes these eruptions may take only minutes to hours before reaching the earth hence interfering with radio communication systems or even direct damage to satellite equipment.

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs)

CMEs are massive clouds filled with electrically charged particles propelled out into space by the sun. They are capable of carrying some billion tons of coronal material as they travel at several hundred kilometers per second to several thousand kilometers per second. Upon reaching Earth they can lead to geomagnetic storms that create electrical currents within the Earth’s atmosphere and at its surface, leading to collapses on power lines as well as interruptions in communications and navigation system.

Increased solar wind and particle streams

The sun continuously releases electrically charged particles referred to as solar wind into space. With regular changes in their number density or speed, especially associated with CMEs, effects on Earth’s magnetic field may be magnified thereby causing more geomagnetic activity.

Space weather effects

All of these processes together can affect the Earth's ionosphere and magnetic field, in turn producing several space weather impacts such as auroras, radio wave distortions, dangers to astronauts in space and potential problems for terrestrial power grids. It is important to monitor and predict solar storms so that they can have minimum impact.

Sun storm hazards

Solar storms result into different outcomes on earth some of which are dangerous specifically for modern technology and infrastructure. Therefore, we will see how solar storms may influence us.

Communication systems or navigation

Strong solar winds may disrupt radio communications as well as GPS signals. This is especially crucial for air and sea transportation when accurate communications and navigation are vital for safety.


Solar activity might increase the volume of atmosphere around the Earth raising the drag on Low Earth Orbit satellites causing them to change their orbit or even burning up upon re-entry into the atmosphere. Besides that, solar winds damage electronics and solar cells on satellites.

Power grids

The most severe possible consequence of a sun storm is its impact on power grids. A combination of Earth’s magnetic field with solar particles called geomagnetic storms can induce current in large-scale power grid resulting in transformer overloads and long-lasting blackouts.


At high latitudes, at which astronauts stay in the airplane flights there is increased radiation due to sun activity further increasing risk from radiation exposure requiring special measures to protect those subjected from such conditions.

Damage by space weather

Though visually impressive, auroras can also indicate a geophysical solid event caused by sun storming.

While extreme sunstorms do not happen often enough scientists and engineers still keep tabs on our solar neighbor’s activities so that they could predict risks beforehand reducing them if it happens at all.

For example, NOAA's Space Weather Service has early-warning systems aimed at preparing people for incoming solar storms.

There have been some significant incidents already associated with consequences of space weather phenomena affecting earth including damaged infrastructure and technology. Here are a few:

Quebec, Canada in 1989

The most famous instance of solar storm damage happened on March 13, 1989 when a powerful solar storm caused a geomagnetic storm on Earth. As a result, it caused tremendous currents at the Hydro-Québec hydroelectricity plant in Canada that led to severe power outages. For nine hours, more than six million people were without electricity.

Sweden in 2003

During one of the biggest solar storms ever recorded – Halloween storms because of their occurrence during October 2003 – Swedish power grids experienced severe problems with transformers leading to power blackouts and grid transmission issues.

Satellites damages

Some satellites have been destroyed or failed due to an increase in solar activity over time. Such damages include communication breakdowns as well as short circuits, and electronic damage by charged particles in space.

Air transport influence

These events could affect aviation processes especially for polar flights which face higher levels of cosmic radiation that makes them more vulnerable for communication and navigation failure.

Though rare such events highlight the necessity for monitoring sun’s activities as well as taking necessary precautions for our critical infrastructures as seen by responsible stakeholders across nations who aim to reduce possible future impacts thereby making their electricity grids and technical systems more resilient.

In 1859, there was the greatest solar storm ever recorded, known as the Carrington Event. This very strong magnetic storm was reported and named by British astronomer Richard Carrington who saw enormous solar flares.



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