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Albert Einstein IQ: Unraveling the genius

Albert Einstein IQ: Unraveling the genius

Author: MozaicNook

When people hear the name Albert Einstein, they think of two things: genius and crazy hair. His contributions to science – especially his theory of relativity – are well known around the world and have shaped our understanding of the universe itself. But beyond his scientific achievements, there's one question that always gets asked about this great man: What was Albert Einstein's IQ? In this article we're going to delve into who Albert Einstein is, what his IQ might have been, throw in some interesting facts about him and maybe even tell a joke or two.

The secret behind Albert Einstein’s IQ

If there’s one thing that everyone knows about Albert Einstein (besides the fact that he was smart), it’s that he had crazy hair. But did he ever take an IQ test? The short answer is no; however, during the time when Einstein was alive standardized intelligence tests weren’t as popular as they are today. That being said many historians and psychologists have tried to estimate what his IQ could’ve been based off other information.

Estimating Albert Einstein’s IQ

The majority of estimates place Albert at having an IQ between 160-180. To put this into perspective, average intelligence falls somewhere around 85-115 while anything over 130 counts as superior smarts. So I think we can safely say with an estimated range like 160-180, Mr. Einstein was operating on a whole different level than most people!

But it shouldn’t be too much focused on numbers. As Einstein once said, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” What a genius!

Above and beyond all numbers

Even though it is interesting to know Albert Einstein’s IQ score, the reality is that his true brilliance could never ever have been measured by any number. Here are some reasons why an IQ test cannot fully capture the genius of this man:

Unpredictable thinking

Einstein always thought outside of common sense and had new ideas in physics. He used mental experiments such as what would one see if he rode along with a beam of light? This type of reasoning went against established scientific practice.


Einstein was driven by an intense desire to unravel the mysteries of nature. The above quote underlines the significance of curiosity in achieving great things: ‘I have no special talents. I am passionately curious’.


Setbacks and rejections were frequent occurrences during Einstein’s career; nevertheless, he did not let them deter him from attaining greatness thereby proving that perseverance forms part of genius.

Interesting facts about Albert Einstein

Let us take a pause from being serious for now and enjoy some funny moments with our beloved scientist Albert Einstein:

Hair-raising times: His famous formulae aside, nobody could forget his untidy hairstyle. It is rumored that he once quipped “If a cluttered desk is sign of cluttered mind; what then does empty signify?” Maybe his hair reflected his craziness!

Mathematics humor: It is said that when young, even simple mathematical calculations posed challenges for this great physicist; so next time your calculator fails just remember even geniuses have their off days like any other person.

E= MC Hammered: Few people know this but behind those glasses lay eyes ready for fun! Yes indeed while we may associate him only with science seriousness there was another side to him. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not people or things,” he said once. So why not throw physics dance party?

More than just a number

No doubt Albert Einstein’s IQ is fascinating, but please don’t forget that one single number can never sum up all of his genius. What made him different were his creativity, curiosity and persistence.

Thus the next time someone mentions about Albert Einstein’s IQ score let them know that it was more than just an achievement on paper; rather there existed limitless inquisitiveness which enabled him discover nature’s hidden secrets. Also may be we could have some fun too along the journey!



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