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Pizza Napoletana: a piece of history and deliciousness
Food and Drink

Pizza Napoletana: a piece of history and deliciousness

Author: MozaicNook

When it comes to Italian cuisine, there are few dishes that match the passion for pizza Napoletana. This classic dish from Naples is a case in point where simplicity and good ingredients come together. Join us on this flavorful journey through the history, ingredients and secrets to an ideal Pizza Napoletana that has captured hearts (and bellies) of food enthusiasts globally.

Brief History of Pizza Napoletana

The origin of Pizza Napoletena dates back into the 18th century on busy streets of Naples, Italy. At first, it was just a simple meal for poor people sold by street sellers or small bakeries. The beginning of Pizza Margherita, one of the most popular kinds of the mentioned pizza, is often associated with Queen Margherita of Savoy’s visit to Naples in 1889. In her honour, Pizzaiolo Raffaele Esposito made a pizza with the colours of Italian flag: red representing tomatoes; white mozzarella cheese; and green basil. Pleased with her taste buds satisfied Margherita wanted her name given tot he pizza hence raising up the legend of Pizza Napoletana.

Key ingredients for Pizza Napoletana

The attractiveness surrounding this product lies in its simplicity as well as quality ingredients. Here are some key elements:


It includes finely ground flour that is high in protein mixed with water, salt and yeast. The dough is then allowed to ferment between 24-48 hours so as to give it an exceptional texture and flavour.


For genuine Neapolitan pizzas use San Marzano tomatoes grown near Mount Vesuvius’ rich volcanic soil. They are famous for their low acidity and sweet flavor.


Fresh mozzarella di bufala (buffalo milk mozzarella) or fior di latte (cow’s milk mozzarella) are the preferred cheeses, providing a creamy and slightly acidic taste.

Olive oil

For example, the pizza can be finished off with some good quality extra virgin olive oil for that fruity flavor in it.


Without fresh basil leaves, you don’t have a Neapolitan pizza. This is to give the pizza an aromatic freshness which goes well with other ingredients.


A little salt brings out all these smells and makes every bite a perfect blend of tastes.

The art of preparing Pizza Napoletana

Making Pizza Napoletana is like sculpturing; it requires skillfulness and patience as well as some Neapolitan touch. The following are steps to follow when making perfect pizza:

Dough preparation

The dough is mixed together and kneaded before being allowed to rise slowly so that it can acquire a complex flavor profile.


By hand the dough is gently pulled into thin circle shape while one side has to remain thicker called cornicione crust.


A thin layer of chopped San Marzano tomatoes covers the dough then topped with slices of fresh mozzarella cheese, few basil leaves, and drizzled with olive oil.


Pizza should be baked at around 900°F (485°C) in a wood-fired oven for 60-90 seconds. At this temperature, it will get a crispy but chewy crust that has been slightly charred on sides thus enhancing its taste.

Rules and regulations 

Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) was established in 1984 to preserve traditional methods of producing Pizza Napoletana. As per AVPN, this kind of pizza must:

  • Include specific ingredients such as San Marzano tomatoes or buffalo mozzarella.
  • Be cooked using firewood oven only.
  • To be authentic, they must have a definite shape and covering.

Pizza Napoletana: The World’s Favourite

The popularity of pizza Napoletana has extended much beyond Naples and become worldwide. Its simplicity coupled with its extraordinary taste has led to many versions resulting in making it the example of how pizza should be made. From New York City to Tokyo, restaurants struggle to cook up Neapolitan-style pizzas and are often endorsed by AVPN.

Some details about the Naples’ pizza

UNESCO Cultural Heritage

In 2017, the art of Neapolitan pizza-making was added on UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

Mystery around Margherita

Although some historians question whether Queen Margherita is a true person, this is still a famous story.

Guinness record

In 2016 Naples cooked up the longest ever pizza that measured over 1.15 miles in length.

This is not just food; it is an emblematic dish that summarizes what Naples stands for. Every single bite brings in the perfect balance of flavors and tradition which makes eating it an experience worth remembering. Therefore, when indulging yourself into this delicious pie remember you are having in your mouth a piece history from a crafty Pizza Napoletana which makes it different from all other pizzas globally.

Bon appetite!





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