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Game of Thrones: similarities and differences between King's Landing and Dubrovnik
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Game of Thrones: similarities and differences between King's Landing and Dubrovnik

Author: MozaicNook

The mega-popular series Game of Thrones was filmed in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik served as an important filming location for many scenes in the series. Dubrovnik "played" King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. This article gives an overview of the similarities and the actual resemblance between King's Landing and Dubrovnik.

The fictional King's Landing from the series Game of Thrones and the real city of Dubrovnik have some historical and cultural similarities that make a comparison interesting.

Similarities Between King's Landing and Dubrovnik

Defense walls


The city is known for its impressive medieval walls, which are almost 2 kilometers long and surround the old town. The walls were built to protect the city from attack and were equipped with towers, fortresses and cannons.

King's Landing

As the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, King's Landing also has massive walls to protect it from enemies. The defensive walls of King's Landing are crucial to the security of the city and are portrayed as impregnable in the series.

Sea power and trade


Throughout its history, Dubrovnik has been an important trading center with a powerful fleet that dominated the Adriatic and Mediterranean. Trade links with many European and Middle Eastern countries brought prosperity and wealth to the city.

King's Landing

Located on the coast, King's Landing also has an important port and a strong naval presence. Trade is vital to the city's economy and the port is a busy place.

Diplomacy and neutrality


The city was known for its diplomacy and its ability to maintain its independence through a clever policy of neutrality. Dubrovnik often used diplomatic skills to avoid conflict and maintain peaceful relations with powerful neighbors.

King's Landing

As the political center of the Seven Kingdoms, King's Landing is the scene of much diplomatic activity and negotiation. Characters in the series often use diplomacy to achieve their goals and secure peace or advantage in conflicts.

Cultural and historical heritage


The city has a rich cultural and historical heritage, with many churches, monasteries, palaces and squares that bear witness to its glorious past. Dubrovnik was a center of art, literature and education.

King's Landing

As the capital, King's Landing has a rich cultural heritage with magnificent buildings such as the Red Keep and the Great Sept of Baelor. The city is depicted as the center of political power, culture and religion in Westeros.

Legal and administrative systems


Dubrovnik had one of the most advanced legal and administrative systems of its time. The Dubrovnik Statute of 1272 was very progressive and regulated many aspects of life in the city.

King's Landing

In the series, important decisions and laws affecting the entire kingdom are made in King's Landing. The legal and administrative systems are often the subject of debate and conflict between the characters.

Historical events


The city has experienced many historical events, including the devastating earthquake of 1667, which destroyed a large part of the city, but also proved the strength and resilience of the Dubrovnik people, who rebuilt the city in the Baroque style.

King's Landing

In the series, King's Landing is the scene of many important events, including battles, uprisings and political intrigue. The city often faces threats that test its endurance and strength.

Although Dubrovnik and King's Landing differ in many aspects, their similarities in defense, trade, diplomacy, cultural heritage and historical events make them interesting to compare. These parallels help Game of Thrones fans to better understand and appreciate the real Dubrovnik, which served as the inspiration and backdrop for the fictional world of Westeros.

Differences between Dubrovnik and King's Landing

While Dubrovnik and King's Landing share some similarities, there are also significant differences between the two cities. These differences include historical, cultural, political and geographical aspects. Here are the main differences:

Real vs. fictional city


Dubrovnik is a real city with a long and documented history, located on the southern coast of Croatia.

King's Landing

King's Landing is a fictional city from the series Game of Thrones and the book A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin.

Geographical location


The city is located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, surrounded by natural beauty and close to real historical trade routes.

King's Landing

The city is located on the east coast of the continent of Westeros, an imaginary world with different climatic and geographical conditions.

Historical context


The history of Dubrovnik includes real events such as the attacks of the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Venice and the earthquake of 1667. Diplomacy and trade developed in the city.

King's Landing

The history of King's Landing is fictional and includes events such as the Targaryen conquests, the War of the Five Kings and the Dragon Pit. Political intrigue and battles for the throne are key elements of the story.

Political system


It was a republic with democratic elements, in which the most important decisions were made by nobles in bodies such as the Great Council.

King's Landing

King's Landing is a monarchy with absolutist elements, in which the king or queen makes the most important decisions, often with the advice of the Small Council.



Dubrovnik's architecture is characterized by Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles, with historic walls, palaces and churches reflecting the actual historical styles.

King's Landing

The architecture is a combination of different styles, with dominant buildings such as the Red Keep and the Great Sept of Baelor. The styles are adapted to the fictional world and the esthetics of the series.

Cultural influences


The culture of Dubrovnik is characterized by real historical and cultural influences from the Mediterranean, Europe and the Ottoman Empire.

King's Landing

The cultural influences are fictional and inspired by various real cultures that have been adapted to the world of Westeros.



The main religion is Catholicism, with many churches and monasteries of importance to the local community.

King's Landing

The predominant faith is the Faith of the Seven, with the Great Sept of Baelor as the most important religious center.

Economic system


Historically, Dubrovnik was an important commercial center with a developed trading and maritime power. The economy was based on real trading and maritime activities.

King's Landing

The economy is fictional and based on agriculture, trade and taxes of the entire kingdom. It is often portrayed as economically unstable due to wars and political intrigue.

Town planning


The city is carefully planned and has a network of streets, public squares and fountains that reflect the real historical town planning.

King's Landing

The city design is adapted to the narrative requirements of the series, with an emphasis on monumental buildings and important plot locations.

These differences clearly show how Dubrovnik, despite being an inspiration for King's Landing, remains unique with its real history, culture and architecture, while King's Landing serves as a richly designed fictional city in the fantasy world of Game of Thrones.


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